Sponsorship Opportunities
Friends of Five Rivers offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities, ranging from $500 to $15,000, to help underwrite various annual and new events, programs, and activities. Benefits from logo recognition to addressing a group to event signage and more will accompany the sponsorship level accordingly. All sponsorships are tax-deductible and benefit Friends of Five Rivers environmental education and awareness programs for children and adults.
Note that prior to accepting a sponsorship, all companies will be fully vetted by the Department of Environmental Conservation.
Please consider a sponsorship to support our efforts. For more information or a sponsorship packet, contact development@friendsoffiverivers.org
56 Game Farm Rd., Delmar, NY 12054
For Educational Program Information, email: education@FriendsofFiveRivers.org
For General Information, email: info@FriendsofFiveRivers.org
Phone: (518) 475-0295
Charitable Tax ID# 23-7309978