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Summer Nature Weeks

This summer, Friends of Five Rivers is offering three weeks of programming for families. The aim of this program is to help parents and children grow their understanding and appreciation of the natural world through shared activities. 

PLEASE NOTE:  This program is created for parent/guardian with children ages 2-8.

Three Identical Sessions, with all being held 10:00 – 11:30 am Monday through Friday, rain or shine!

All sessions filled.  To be put onto a wait list, please contact

  • July 21-25 – this session is full
  • July 28-August 1 – this session is full
  • August 4-8 – this session full

Each day begins with the reading of a story from nature. Hands-on activities will follow from the theme of the story and includes exploration, discovery, games, and crafts.

Fridays will be spent by and in the stream.  Clothing requirements and other tips below.

Note that due to the nature of the activities, we ask that only registered children attend.


  • Shoes or sneakers (not sandals) are required footwear.
  • Long pants are suggested to protect against poison ivy and insect bites.
  • A hat is recommended.
  • Bring rain gear if the weather looks threatening.
  • You may also bring a small backpack.
  • For Summer Nature Weeks (ages 2-8), Friday sessions will be spent wading in the stream.  Old sneakers and shorts are more appropriate for these days.  Footwear must be worn in the stream.  Water shoes must have a back strap and toes must be covered.


  • All participants should bring water.
  • Snacks are encouraged.

insect repellent

Insects are attracted to strong smelling shampoo, soaps, and sweet-smelling snacks.  Your first line of defense should be to the elimination of all strong aromas. Some repellents are extremely toxic.  These repellents on hands or skin can be harmful to water critters or other animals you may handle.  People with toxic insect repellent on will not be allowed to handle insects or be in the stream.


Contact Nancy Payne at 518-475-0296 or email