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2024 Year-End Appeal

Support Our Maple Sugaring Program!

We are so lucky to be New Yorkers sharing in the sweetness this state has to offer by way of our state tree, the sugar maple.

Many of us know of this glorious tree, but perhaps do not know how to safely tap into its potential sweetness.  Five Rivers Environmental Education Center offers many experiences for you to learn.

However, like any of our amazing hands-on, science-based educational programs, funding is required to keep up with the demand. While Friends of Five Rivers is the non-profit support arm of the Department of Environmental Conservation owned facility, our organization is not funded by the state.  We rely on membership, grants, and generous tax-deductible contributions to help us sustain our mission of environmental education to students and families.  With environmental education programs, come our highly skilled staff, training of volunteers, and the production of materials.  All this takes time, effort, and yes, funds to sustain the level of excellence that we strive for in our programs.

Please support our Maple Sugaring Program through a year-end, tax-deductible donation today!