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Consider joining Our Team

From the friendly Visitor’s Center Greeter at the welcome desk, to the informative Instructor teaching a lesson to a third grade class for the Guided School Program, to Special Event Assistance, they all make up a very important and much needed volunteer team with Friends of Five Rivers.

Many people you see at Five Rivers are indeed volunteers, and we couldn’t operate efficiently and effectively without them.

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer by joining our team?

If so, we have many opportunities year-round. Read more in the Volunteer Brochure, then complete this Volunteer Interest Form, and we will be in touch.

Friends of Five Rivers considers applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status.

For any questions or to return initial Interest Form, please contact

Volunteer positions available

Note that all volunteers must be at least 18 years old. Student volunteers must be at least 14 years old for these special, limited spots.


    Guide ecology lessons for kindergarten through 8th grade students on weekdays. Training provided. Set your own schedule.


    Staff the Visitor’s Center reception desk and gift shop for 3.5-hour time slots either in the mornings or afternoons Monday through Saturday. Training provided.


    Support social functions by volunteering at the event or providing refreshments or other items as called upon (i.e., Fall Festival, Maples Open Houses, Get Outdoors Day, Tabling events).


    Support Friends of Five Rivers with database management, mailing, and filing.


    Provide your expertise to one of the three committee of your choice, namely Membership, Finance, and Development & Communications.


    Assist with week-long programs in July & August. Students will receive volunteer hours for Honor Society and other club requirements. Must be at least 14 years and older with proper papers. Space is limited. If interested, call 518-475-0295 instead of completing this form.


    Many people enjoy observing wildlife. At Five Rivers Environmental Education Center, volunteers may join community science programs that allow members of the public to take part in collecting important data while spending time outdoors. These programs are run by the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Five Rivers staff. A person from the staff will contact you directly with more information.