Registration is closed for this event
Two - 30 minute Forest Bathing sessions will be held throughout the Fall Festival. However, for the 10:30 am morning walk, pre-registration is required.

10:00 am pre-registration required; 30 minute walk

Forest Bathing is a process of relaxation.  The simple method of being calm and quiet amongst the trees, observing the nature around you whilst breathing deeply can help both adults and children de-stress and boost health and wellbeing in a natural way.

Note that children must be accompanied by an adult.

Guide:  Nancy Payne is an experience Environmental Educator and the Beautiful Day family programs coordinator for Friends of Five Rivers.  With her three degrees in Elementary Education, including a Masters’ Degree from Russell Sage, Nancy has taught in a Special Education classroom, 2nd though 5th grade classrooms and here at Five Rivers.  Besides teaching all the Center’s lessons, (she has contributed to the creation of all of them), Nancy specializes in creating and running programing for our youngest visitors and their parents. 

“Parents are their Children’s 1st and most important teachers.  By offering programs that honor and promote that roll, we are fostering the development of future adults who will enjoy, value and protect the environment.”

September 23rd, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Five Rivers Environmental Educational Center
56 Game Farm Road
Delmar, NY 12054
United States