Sponsor a Bluebird Nest Box
2025 Sponsors
Mary Applegate in memory of Flora Gallant
Anne Benware in honor of Dawna Bellwoar
David Blumkin
Wendy Delehanty
Michael Medvesky
Charles Riedel
Zachary Usher in memory of Nancy Carter
2024 Sponsors
Anne Benware in honor of Dawna Bellwoar
David Blumkin
Beth Cadigan
Ingrid Carlson
Wendy Delehanty
Jennafer Engelstein in honor of Jake & Luke Digeser
Miles Garfinkel
William Gettman
Eugenia Gregorio in honor of Theresa Gregorio
Cynthia Guile
Kevin Jack in honor of Carl Jack
Carol “Kitt” Jackson in memory of Larry Jackson
Lydia Jurista in honor of Aimee Koval
Mary Lyn Koval in honor of Lydia Jurista
Charlotte Leddy in honor of Grace & Anna Leddy
Joanne Macklin in honor of all Bluebird Volunteers
Michael Medvesky
Lily & Marcel Musteata
Rachel Palmer in honor of Steven Fein
Ellen Pemrick
Charles Riedel
Fred Rudofsky
Melanie Shatynski
Rosemarie Sherin
Laura Sommers in memory of her mother, Anne and father, Roderic W. Sommers
Zachary Usher in memory of Nancy Carter
David Wilsey
Margaret Wilson
Bill Wolfgang
2023 Sponsors
Erica & Joshua Beams
Anne Benware in honor of Dawna Bellwoar
Laura Ladd Bierman in honor or Abbey Bierman
David Blumkin
Barbara W Carreker
Ingrid Carlson
Debra Carson in honor of Eileen Daughtery
Dan Coffey
Jack & Kris Conroy
Ann D’Attilio in honor of Mike D’Attilio
Wendy Delehanty
Paulette, Jonah and Gloria Doudoukjian in honor of Stepanos Doudoukjian for Father’s Day
Miles Garfinkel
William Gettman in honor of Patti Beeler
Mary Gleason in memory of Ann Curran
Eugenia Gregorio in honor of Theresa Gregorio
Cynthia A. Guile
Kevin Jack in honor of Carl and Perry Jack
Elizabeth Katz
Laurie Keefe
Elaine Koplik in honor of Steve Kaplowe
Mary Lyn Koval in honor of Lydia Jurista
Annette Lewis
Rebecca Liebshutz and Jennifer Liebschutz in honor of their mother, Libby Liebschutz
Anne Lind in honor of Gary Lind
Joanne Macklin in honor of all Bluebird Volunteers
James E. Malcolm
Melissa McTernan
Michael Medvesky
Pam Otis
Rachael Palmer in honor of Steven Fein
Ellen Pemrick
Charles Riedel
Fred Rudofsky
Nancy Rutenber
Bob & Linda Samson
Madeline Santulli
Melanie Shatynski
Rosemarie Sherin
Katherine D. Stutzman in honor of John Stutzman
Brenda Unright
Zachary Usher in memory of Nancy Carter
Margaret Wilson
Jack & Kris Conroy
Ann D’Attilio in honor of Mike D’Attilio
Wendy Delehanty
Paulette, Jonah and Gloria Doudoukjian in honor of Stepanos Doudoukjian for Father’s Day
Miles Garfinkel
William Gettman in honor of Patti Beeler
Mary Gleason in memory of Ann Curran
Eugenia Gregorio in honor of Theresa Gregorio
Cynthia A. Guile
Kevin Jack in honor of Carl and Perry Jack
Elizabeth Katz
Laurie Keefe
Elaine Koplik in honor of Steve Kaplowe
Mary Lyn Koval in honor of Lydia Jurista
Annette Lewis
Rebecca Liebshutz and Jennifer Liebschutz in honor of their mother, Libby Liebschutz
Want to become a sponsor for 2025? Contact development@friendsoffiverivers.org or download this flyer to learn more.